Jumat, 26 Februari 2010


Descriptive Text
a. Social function
To describe a particular person, places, or thing or animal.
b. Generic structure
1. Identification (identifies phenomenon to be described)
2. Description describes parts, qualities, characteristic
c. Grammatical Features
1. Focus on specific participants
2. Use of attribute (e.g. possessive pronoun: mine, ours)
3. Frequent use of classifies (e.g. adjective: beautiful, long hair) in nominal groups (some, many, any etc.)
4. Use of simple present tense
Report Text
a. Social function to describe the way things are, with reference to arrange of natural, man made and social phenomena in our environment.
b. Generic Structure
1. General classification (tells both the phenomenon under discussion is)
2. Description (tells about phenomenon under discussion is like in terms of part qualities habits or behaviors)
c. Grammatical Features
1. Focus on generic participant
2. Use of rational processes to state what is and that which it is.
3. use the simple present tense
4. no temporal sequence (first, second, than, after that, finally)
Examples of text report:
• Text books
• Encyclopaedias
• Scientific magazine
• Historical text
• Government report
• Factual reading books
• Reference books
• Classroom lessons
• Environment programs
• TV documents
• Magazines and newspapers articles
• Science program media
• Local information text about health services
• Information about important issues etc.
Written by: Neng Ria Saparingga a resource from my summary classroom lessons Foreign Language College Sebelas April Sumedang of Writing on March 17 , 2009. Instructor by H. Muzmar Qo’imin, Drs., M.Hum.

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